When can you Expect Results from PRP and How Long do they Last?

PRP is advance hair treatment for those who are not interested in any surgical hair treatment alternative. Being a non surgical and non invasive method of hair transplantation PRP can be best chosen option when better results are needed right within the cell level. Done through patients own blood the PRP hair treatment negates the need of any sort of donor area over head scalp. When better results from PRP is needed one may chose PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik.

PRP is advance hair loss treatment is advance treatment in which a little drop of blood is extracted from patients and then it is treated in centrifuge. After this platelet rich plasma is separated from rest of blood constituents and with essential vitamin and nutrients booster is inserted back via an injected into the bald areas. As PRP is essential for hair growth its insertion increases the growth life cycle of hair growth and enables growth of hairs back again.

Results of PRP

Even though PRP is most advance treatment but it may take time for achieving full hair growth at the bald areas. Many a times there is a need of multiple injections that is given in fixed interval for better hair growth. This may vary from 3 - 9 injections in intervals depending upon individual hair loss conditions and hair growth cycle. Just like other hair solutions PRP also goes through a complete hair treatments cycle only after which right hair growth can be achieved. This may take approx 9 months - 1 year. To ensure better hair growth and right volume and density often multiple vitamin boosters are also mixed with extracted PRP which can acts well to effect the growth of natural hair.

It is great that this easy process can achieve permanent results which may last forever and you may enjoy the effective results prp which last for long if right care is taken.

Advantages of PRP

  1. PRP is non invasive and non surgical hair option.

  2. It can be effective for both males and females.

  3. PRP works with blood that negates the need of hair donor area.

  4. Results of PRP are permanent.

  5. PRP can achieve natural hair growth which resembles the existing hairs in all extent.

  6. The recovery of PRP is quiet simple as no stitched or sutures are involved.

PRP is thus an advance hair treatment which can solve all hair issues. In about 9 - 12 months new hair start to grow. This may defer from patient to patient but once natural hair growth is achieved the results may stay for lifetime. The results are natural and permanent such that it can also be trimmed, cut or styled anytime. When effective results from PRP is in need you must only choose PRP Hair loss Treatment at Marmm Klinik because it can offer better hair results.


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